P20 Pro Rinascente Walls

Huawei Christmas tree at Citylife
7 Febbraio 2023
D&G window
21 Febbraio 2018


Choreographies capable of conveying the pluses of the product.

T he briefing asked to design and set-up the frontal walls of La Rinascente in Milan. The initial request was to emphasize the technological features of their new flagship product by elaborating dedicated themes for each wall.

The P20 pro was the main element of the wall: framed by digital and fixed images, it gave birth to an impactful choreographic project through light effects and high-quality materials.

P20 Pro Rinascente Walls

Phases: Design, Production, Set-up


  • Walls made up of a wooden structure and coatings in printed plastic material.
  • Cassonetti luminosi realizzati in materiale plastico per esposizione telefoni
  • Sistemi di illuminazione vetrina per creazione effetti tridimensionali
  • Realizzazione vetrofanie per applicazione esterno vetrina con inserti in finitura specchio
  • Schermo led per far girare contenuti multimediali, sincronizzate
  • Walls made up of a wooden structure and coatings in printed plastic material.
  • Lightboxes in plastic material to display smartphones.
  • A wall lighting system to create three-dimensional effects.
  • Window films created for external application with inserts in mirror finish.
  • Led screen to run synchronized multimedia contents.
  • Dynamic LED, Strip rgb LED with animated effects programmed by a central unit.
  • Back projection – Outside projection managed from an inside structure.
  • Front projection – Projection managed from an outside structure.
  • Animable and motorizable projectors to program and execute the lighting.
  • Variations in light, intensity, and animation